Enjoy your time with your four-legged friend actively and comfortably

Organize everyday life with your dog creatively and increase his physical and mental fitness. You will also strengthen your bond with your four-legged friend. This article tells you how you can bring variety into your life together. For some activities you don’t even have to leave your own four walls.

Design the dog walk creatively

You have to take your four-legged friend for a walk around your district or place of residence several times a day. But it is not necessary to limit yourself to the usual places. Be creative to discover new places together. You can also try out a variety of games together. To do this, get a sturdy throwing toy – this can be either a ball or a Frisbee. 

But you can also break your previous routine with small mental games. For example, lead the dog past a lamp post so that the leash becomes an obstacle. Now the four-legged friend is asked to solve the problem. Give it time and be patient. Most furry friends get the hang of it in just a short amount of time.

Increase your fitness with the DogScooter

It’s not just sled dogs that can increase their fitness with a DogScooter. Even smaller and inexperienced animals like to pull their owners because it satisfies their need to move. At the beginning you can limit yourself to asphalt paths. Once your dog has built up sufficient fitness, gradually switch to gravel and forest paths. While you exercise your four-legged friend on the trip, you can discover new paths in your surroundings. In order for your dog to be able to pull you safely, he needs a special chest harness. 

Go on excursions in the best company

Four-legged friends appreciate the company of their fellow dogs . While dogs are very attached to their favorite people, they still need contact with other animals. So feel free to go for walks in a group. You can look for like-minded people either in your circle of friends or online. Together you may be motivated to take longer trips. However, shorter meetings should take place in advance. This gives different dog breeds such as Morkies , German Shepherds and Dachshunds the opportunity to get to know each other and sniff each other. Under certain circumstances, a friendship develops between the animals.

Enjoy the cool water together

Owners and dogs enjoy jumping into the water, especially on warm days. If you want to add some variety to your everyday life , you can try stand-up paddling. At first glance, you don’t associate the sport with four-legged friends. And yet many furry friends appreciate being able to swing over the waves on a board. Some dogs even swim in the water next to their owner and cool themselves down. To enjoy water sports as a couple, you need a good sense of balance. The latter is trained extensively during stand up paddling , which benefits your personal fitness.

Stay mentally fit with brain games

If your four-legged friend is already getting on in years, he may no longer want to frolic around outside for hours. But mental fitness can also be trained within your own four walls. Wooden dog games are an exciting addition in this regard. These are brain games that are specifically tailored to the needs of four-legged friends. You can purchase these in different difficulty levels. The products are characterized by their cube-like shape. The items consist of several openings in which you can accommodate small leaks. The dog now faces the challenge of finding a way to the snacks. 


There are various ways to sweeten your time with your four-legged friend . Feel free to explore several options – you’ll soon find a hobby that suits you and your dog equally. The activities described are also suitable for older people.

Image by Anja on Pixabay


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